Welcome Blackjacks

This is dedicated to all 2NE1 fans like me. In return of giving us good music, I'm here blogging with their nearly comeback to update you of what's happening to them. This is for all blackjack to unite us all. Let's all support 2NE1 for their anticipating come back. Fighting!!!


[me2day] dara update 08.30.10

Our me2day queen update with Janggo manager with a birthday hats.
Check the photo below.


오늘 생일인 두사람~!!!ㅋㅋ투애니원 매니져팀인 애교쟁이 짱매와 지적인 외모의 소유자 지주오빠!ㅋ 신기하게 생일이 같은날이네요! 생일 완젼 축하하구~ 앞으로도 우리옆에서 잘지켜주고 즐겁게 지냅시다! 지금 여긴 태백…촬영중! 홧팅홧팅!야야야!^.^

translation: Today it’s these two people’s birthday!!! Ke ke ke 2NE1 Manager’s, the Aegyo-tastic Jjangoo Manager and the owner of a intellectual outer appearance, Jijoo-oppa! Ke Amazingly, today’s a birthday-like day! Have a great birthday~ In the future too, please continue to watch over us carefully, and let’s enjoy ourselves! Right now I’m at Taebaek … doing filming! Fighting fighting! Ya ya ya!^.^

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